Friday, December 23, 2016

Cora's family is unusual

My Family is Unusual
by Cora Shaklee
Has your family ever been in an unsafe situation? Here are three different times that my family
has gotten into strange and unsafe situation. I think my family is unusual because we get into
weird situations.
One time, we landed in the airplane on a very grassy strip of runway. There were big cracks in
the runway where the grass was growing through. This make the landing kind of bumpy. Every
one got out of the airplane even the dogs. After the dogs (Piper and Zeke ) had water we
packed them back into the airplane, and we set out to find some lunch. While walking in the
direction of town, we came across a fence. Not knowing what was on the other side, we went
over the fence. When we got a little farther, we saw a bull laying down. He was starring at us.
As fast as we could, but WITHOUT running, we started down toward the street. We made sure
to stay in the trees in case the bull started coming after us! We made it safely to the fence. On
the other side was the street. We walked the rest of the way into town by the side of the road
and went to a little cafe for lunch. When we came back, we saw the bull standing up, so walked
the long way around, avoiding the bull's pen! We let the dogs out to run around one more time
and then we left in the airplane. Dad had to abort his take off because all the grass in the
runway made it hard to see the end. He turned around and departed going the other way
because he could see the road and know where the end of the runway was.
There was also time time, we were in a car on a hill. There was a great view from the hill. The
car started sliding down the hill, the view changed. I was in the middle, sitting in a car seat.
Maddie said, "Kier, can you see the sky? All I can see is the ground." Kier said all he could see
was the sky. We climbed out the windows on the uphill side. A tow truck had to come and
rescue our car.
Another time, mom was leaving to go do some thing. I do not remember where she was going, but that is not very important . Mom had left chicken so we could make chicken tacos. Maddie, Kier and I had put the chicken in the oven to cook. Dad was in the bathroom. A few minutes after we put the chicken in the oven, there was a FIRE IN THE OVEN. I was the one who told dad there was a fire in the in the oven. Dad came out of the bathroom and ran to the kitchen. He grabbed the frying pan and filled it with water.
He threw the water on the fire. The fire went out very fast; our chicken was burnt to a crisp. We decided to eat at Tokyo Joe's. While thinking of what to have to eat, we set out the fans. Then we went to Tokyo Joe's. At dinner we concluded that the pizza's grease from on Friday caused the fire. We went back home to a some what smoky room.
So you see that strange and unsafe things happen around my family. So many things that you
would never have thought would all be able to happen to one family. But now we have lots of
stories to tell.

Kier's family is unusual

My Family is Unusual
by Kier Shaklee

Why is my family unusual? Well most families go on about one trip a year where as my family goes on lots of trips. My dad is a privet pilot so we normally go in a small airplane.   My family is unusual because we go on trips in small airplanes, we get to see unusual things, and drive around in unusual cars.

Some airports have courtesy cars for doing things like going to get lunch.  In Texas we once had a police car, ancient and rusty,  that had back doors that couldn't be opened from the inside.   Also, the head liner disintegrated if you touched it. And then, in Wyoming we got a flat tire in the courtesy car. In the hard gravelly parking lot, dad changed the tire.  In Durango the van only had one back door, and it didn't open so we had to climb over the front seat to get in or out.  Courtesy cars are for your convenience, but they are some times not very convenient.

We get to see cool things in small towns that you don't normally see when you take a airliner. We got to see the Stratica salt mine in Hutchinson Kansas.  They were still blasting in that particular mine when we were in it.  We got to see the miracle of America museum where this guy turned his collection of stuff in to a museum. Its pretty much just a big lot with a whole bunch of cool things like amphibious tanks and other strange things. Pioneer Village was another one of those where a really rich guy bought stuff like his one room school house and his old church and had them moved to some of his property.

Dispite the problems we have I have never been on an entirely unfun. When we went to Yellowstone it rained and was cold and everyone got sick. But we also got to swim in the river with hot runoff and we got to go to the hot springs. When we went to Florida, Maddie got a realy bad ear infection in both ears and a realy bad eye infect and we all got sun burned. But we also got to go to the beach and we went to Washington DC and Williamsburg, which was fun.

Many people have said that we have had the worst vacations ever but we still have fun. What makes my family unique is that our family motto is “with time to spare go by air”.